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How to upgrade the Temporal Server version

If a newer version of the Temporal Server is available, a notification appears in the Temporal Web UI.


If you are using a version that is older than 1.0.0, reach out to us at to ask how to upgrade.

First check to see if an upgrade to the database schema is required for the version you wish to upgrade to. If a database schema upgrade is required, it will be called out directly in the release notes. Some releases require changes to the schema, and some do not. We ensure that any consecutive versions are compatible in terms of database schema upgrades, features, and system behavior, however there is no guarantee that there is compatibility between any 2 non-consecutive versions.

Use one of the upgrade tools to upgrade your database schema to be compatible with the Temporal Server version being upgraded to.

If you are using a schema tools version prior to 1.8.0, we strongly recommend never using the "dryrun" (-y, or --dryrun) options in any of your schema update commands. Using this option might lead to potential loss of data, as when using it will create a new database and drop your existing one. This flag was removed in the 1.8.0 release.

Upgrade Cassandra schema

If you are using Cassandra for your Cluster's persistence, use the temporal-cassandra-tool to upgrade both the default and visibility schemas.

Example default schema upgrade:

temporal_v1.2.1 $ temporal-cassandra-tool \
--tls \
--tls-ca-file <...> \
--user <cassandra-user> \
--password <cassandra-password> \
--endpoint <> \
--keyspace temporal \
--timeout 120 \
update \
--schema-dir ./schema/cassandra/temporal/versioned

Example visibility schema upgrade:

temporal_v1.2.1 $ temporal-cassandra-tool \
--tls \
--tls-ca-file <...> \
--user <cassandra-user> \
--password <cassandra-password> \
--endpoint <> \
--keyspace temporal_visibility \
--timeout 120 \
update \
--schema-dir ./schema/cassandra/visibility/versioned

Upgrade MySQL / PostgreSQL schema

If you are using MySQL or PostgreSQL use the temporal-sql-tool, which works similarly to the temporal-cassandra-tool.

Refer to this Makefile for context.


Example default schema upgrade:

./temporal-sql-tool \
--tls \
--tls-enable-host-verification \
--tls-cert-file <path to your client cert> \
--tls-key-file <path to your client key> \
--tls-ca-file <path to your CA> \
--ep localhost -p 5432 -u temporal -pw temporal --pl postgres --db temporal update-schema -d ./schema/postgresql/v96/temporal/versioned

Example visibility schema upgrade:

./temporal-sql-tool \
--tls \
--tls-enable-host-verification \
--tls-cert-file <path to your client cert> \
--tls-key-file <path to your client key> \
--tls-ca-file <path to your CA> \
--ep localhost -p 5432 -u temporal -pw temporal --pl postgres --db temporal_visibility update-schema -d ./schema/postgresql/v96/visibility/versioned


Example default schema upgrade:

./temporal-sql-tool \
--tls \
--tls-enable-host-verification \
--tls-cert-file <path to your client cert> \
--tls-key-file <path to your client key> \
--tls-ca-file <path to your CA> \
--ep localhost -p 3036 -u root -pw root --pl mysql --db temporal update-schema -d ./schema/mysql/v57/temporal/versioned/

Example visibility schema upgrade:

./temporal-sql-tool \
--tls \
--tls-enable-host-verification \
--tls-cert-file <path to your client cert> \
--tls-key-file <path to your client key> \
--tls-ca-file <path to your CA> \
--ep localhost -p 3036 -u root -pw root --pl mysql --db temporal_visibility update-schema -d ./schema/mysql/v57/visibility/versioned/

Roll-out technique

We recommend preparing a staging Cluster and then do the following to verify the upgrade is successful:

  1. Create some simulation load on the staging cluster.
  2. Upgrade the database schema in the staging cluster.
  3. Wait and observe for a few minutes to verify that there is no unstable behavior from both the server and the simulation load logic.
  4. Upgrade the server.
  5. Now do the same to the live environment cluster.