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How to create a Temporal Client in TypeScript

Use a new WorflowClient() with the requisite gRPC Connection to create a new Client.

import { Connection, WorkflowClient } from '@temporalio/client';
const connection = await Connection.connect(); // to configure for production
const client = new WorkflowClient({ connection });

Declaring the WorflowClient() creates a new connection to the Temporal service.

If you omit the connection and just call the new WorkflowClient(), you create a default connection that works locally. However, always configure your connection and Namespace when deploying to production.

The following example, creates a Client, connects to an account, and declares your Namespace.

import { Connection, WorkflowClient } from '@temporalio/client';

const connection = await Connection.connect({
address: '<Namespace_ID>',
const client = new WorkflowClient({
namespace: 'your.namespace',