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How to set a custom logger in TypeScript

Logging in Workers and Clients

The Worker comes with a default logger which defaults to log any messages with level INFO and higher to STDERR using console.error. The following log levels are listed in increasing order of severity.

Customizing the default logger

Temporal uses a DefaultLogger that implements the basic interface:

import { Runtime, DefaultLogger } from '@temporalio/worker';

const logger = new DefaultLogger('WARN', ({ level, message }) => {
console.log(`Custom logger: ${level}${message}`);
Runtime.install({ logger });

The previous code example sets the default logger to only log messages with level WARN and higher.

Accumulate logs for testing and reporting

import { DefaultLogger, LogEntry } from '@temporalio/worker';

const logs: LogEntry[] = [];
const logger = new DefaultLogger('TRACE', (entry) => logs.push(entry));
log.debug('hey', { a: 1 });'ho');
log.warn('lets', { a: 1 });

A common logging use case is logging to a file to be picked up by a collector like the Datadog Agent.

import { Runtime } from '@temporalio/worker';
import winston from 'winston';

const logger = winston.createLogger({
level: 'info',
format: winston.format.json(),
transports: [new transports.File({ filename: '/path/to/worker.log' })],
Runtime.install({ logger });