Error Handling in Go
An Activity, or a Child Workflow, might fail, and you could handle errors differently based on the different error cases.
If the Activity returns an error as errors.New()
or fmt.Errorf()
, that error is converted into *temporal.ApplicationError
If the Activity returns an error as temporal.NewNonRetryableApplicationError("error message", details)
, that error is returned as *temporal.ApplicationError
There are other types of errors such as *temporal.TimeoutError
, *temporal.CanceledError
Following is an example of what your error code might look like:
Here's an example of handling Activity errors within Workflow code that differentiates between different error types.
err := workflow.ExecuteActivity(ctx, YourActivity, ...).Get(ctx, nil)
if err != nil {
var applicationErr *ApplicationError
if errors.As(err, &applicationErr) {
// retrieve error message
// handle Activity errors (created via NewApplicationError() API)
var detailMsg string // assuming Activity return error by NewApplicationError("message", true, "string details")
applicationErr.Details(&detailMsg) // extract strong typed details
// handle Activity errors (errors created other than using NewApplicationError() API)
switch applicationErr.Type() {
case "CustomErrTypeA":
// handle CustomErrTypeA
case CustomErrTypeB:
// handle CustomErrTypeB
// newer version of Activity could return new errors that Workflow was not aware of.
var canceledErr *CanceledError
if errors.As(err, &canceledErr) {
// handle cancellation
var timeoutErr *TimeoutError
if errors.As(err, &timeoutErr) {
// handle timeout, could check timeout type by timeoutErr.TimeoutType()
switch err.TimeoutType() {
case commonpb.ScheduleToStart:
// Handle ScheduleToStart timeout.
case commonpb.StartToClose:
// Handle StartToClose timeout.
case commonpb.Heartbeat:
// Handle heartbeat timeout.
var panicErr *PanicError
if errors.As(err, &panicErr) {
// handle panic, message and stack trace are available by panicErr.Error() and panicErr.StackTrace()