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How to Continue-As-New-in-Go

To cause a Workflow Execution to Continue-As-New, the Workflow function should return the result of the NewContinueAsNewError() API available from the package.

func SimpleWorkflow(ctx workflow.Context, value string) error {
return workflow.NewContinueAsNewError(ctx, SimpleWorkflow, value)

To check whether a Workflow Execution was spawned as a result of Continue-As-New, you can check if workflow.GetInfo(ctx).ContinuedExecutionRunID is not nil.


  • To prevent Signal loss, be sure to perform an asynchronous drain on the Signal channel. Failure to do so can result in buffered Signals being ignored and lost.
  • Make sure that the previous Workflow and the Continue-As-New Workflow are referenced by the same alias. Failure to do so can cause the Workflow to Continue-As-New on an entirely different Workflow.