tctl admin
How to run admin-level tctl commands.
How to run admin-level tctl commands.
Running admin-level operations on clusters.
Adding custom Search Attributes to a Cluster.
Displaying Cluster information.
Showing existing search attributes.
Listing Cluster information.
Removing remote Clusters.
Removing custom search metadat from a Cluster.
How to run admin-level tctl commands.
How to clean up corrupted Workflows using tctl.
Scanning for corrupted executions in a database
Decoding payloads.
Decoding Payloads to Base64.
Decoding proto payloads.
Running admin operations on DLQ.
Merging DLQ messages.
Deleting DLQ messages.
Reading DLQ messages.
Admin-level operations on a specific shard
closing a shard with a given shard Id
Describes Id of shard.
displaying information on a Task within a shard
listing tasks for a given shard Id and Task type
removing a Task with given information
Operating admin-level Workflow Executions.
Deleting the Workflow Execution.
Description of Workflow Execution.
Refreshing Workflow Tasks.
Showing Workflow history.