tctl admin shard list_tasks
The tctl admin shard list_tasks
command will list the Tasks available for a given shard Id and Task type.
The modifiers below affect the output and behavior of the command.
Alias: -m
Lists more pages of list tasks. The default setting is to list one page of 10 list tasks.
--pagesize value
Alias: --ps value
The size of the result page. Default: 10
--target_cluster value
Temporal cluster to use. Default: "active"
--shard_id value
The ID of the shard
Default: 0
--task_type value
The type of Task.
Default: transfer Values: transfer, timer, replication, visibility
--min_visibility_ts value
The minimum value that can be set as a Task Visibility timestamp.
Supported formats include:
- '2006-01-02T15:04:05+07:00'
- Raw UnixNano
- Time range (N-duration), where 0 < N < 1000000 and duration (full-notation/short-notation) can be:
- second/s
- minute/m
- week/w
- month/m
- year/y
--max_visibility_ts value
The maximum value that can be set as a Task Visibility timestamp.
Supported formats:
- '2006-01-02T15:04:05+07:00'
- Raw UnixNano
- Time range (N-duration), where 0 < N < 1000000 and duration (full-notation/short-notation) can be:
- second/s
- minute/m
- week/w
- month/m
- year/y