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tctl admin db clean

The tctl admin db clean command cleans corrupted Workflow Executions from the targeted database.


The modifiers below change the behavior of the command.

--db_engine value

Type of DB engine to use

Default: cassandra Value: cassandra | mysql | postgres

--db_address value

Persistence address for the database.


--db_port value

Persistence port for the DB.

Default: 9042

--username value

Database username.

--password value

Database password.

--keyspace value

Database keyspace

Default: "temporal"

--input_directory value

The directory which contains the corrupted Workflow Execution files from running scan.

--lower_shard_bound value

The minimum amount (inclusive) of corrupt shards to handle.

Default: 0

--upper_shard_bound value

The maximum amount (exclusive) of corrupt shards to handle.

Default: 16384

--starting_rps value

starting rps of database queries.

Default: 100

--rps value

Target rps of database queries.

Default: 7000

--concurrency value

Number of threads to handle a scan.

Default: 1000

--report_rate value

The number of shards handled between each emittance of progress.

Default: 10


Enable --tls before using any of the following modifiers.

--tls_cert_path value

Where the tls client cert is located.

--tls_key_path value

Where the tls key is located.

--tls_ca_path value

Where the tls ca is located.

--tls_server_name value

The name of the Db tls server.


Disables verification of the DB tls hostname and server cert.