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tctl workflow list

The tctl workflow list command lists open or closed Workflow Executions.

By default, this command lists a maximum of 10 closed Workflow Executions.

  • To set the size of a page, use the --pagesize option.
  • To list multiple pages, use the --more option.
  • To list open Workflow Executions, use the --open option.

See also tctl workflow listall, tctl workflow listarchived, and tctl workflow scan.

tctl workflow list [<modifiers>]

The following modifiers control the behavior of the command.


Print the raw timestamp.

Alias: --prt


tctl workflow list --print_raw_time


Print the timestamp.

Alias: --pdt


tctl workflow list --print_datetime


Print a memo.

Alias: --pme


tctl workflow list --print_memo


Print the Search Attributes.

Alias: --psa


tctl workflow list --print_search_attr


Print the full message without table formatting.

Alias: --pf


tctl workflow list --print_full


Print the raw JSON objects.

Alias: --pjson


tctl workflow list --print_json


List open Workflow Executions. (By default, the tctl workflow list command lists closed Workflow Executions.)

Alias: --op


tctl workflow list --open


Specify the earliest start time to list. Supported format are as follows:

  • <year>-<month>-<day>T<hour>:<minute>:<second><+|-><offsethours>:<offsetminutes>
  • Raw Unix Epoch time (the number of milliseconds since 0000 UTC on January 1, 1970).
  • <n><duration, where <n> is a value between 0 and 1000000, and <duration> is one of the following:
    • second or s
    • minute or m
    • hour or h
    • day or d
    • week or w
    • month or M
    • year or y

Alias: --et


To specify 3:04:05 PM India Standard Time on January 2, 2022:

tctl workflow list --earliest-time '2022-01-02T15:04:05+05:30'

To specify 15 minutes before the current time:

tctl workflow list --earliest-time '15minute'


Specify the latest start time to list. Supported formats are as follows:

  • <year>-<month>-<day>T<hour>:<minute>:<second><+|-><offsethours>:<offsetminutes>
  • Raw Unix Epoch time (the number of milliseconds since 0000 UTC on January 1, 1970).
  • <n><duration, where <n> is a value between 0 and 1000000, and <duration> is one of the following:
    • second or s
    • minute or m
    • hour or h
    • day or d
    • week or w
    • month or M
    • year or y

Alias: --lt


To specify 11:02:17 PM Pacific Daylight Time on April 13, 2022:

tctl workflow list --latest_time '2022-04-13T23:02:17-07:00'

To specify 10s before the current time:

tctl workflow list --latest_time '10second'


Specify a Workflow Id.

Aliases: --wid, -w


tctl workflow list --workflow_id <id>


Specify the name of a Workflow Type.

Alias: --wt


tctl workflow list --workflow_type <name>


Specify the status of a Workflow Execution. Supported values are as follows:

  • completed
  • failed
  • canceled
  • terminated
  • continuedasnew
  • timedout

Alias: -s


tctl workflow list --status <value>


How to list and filter Workflow Executions with a List Filter using tctl.

The --query flag is supported only when Advanced Visibility is configured with the Cluster.

Using the --query option causes tctl to ignore all other filter options, including open, earliest_time, latest_time, workflow_id, and workflow_type.

Alias: -q


tctl workflow list --query "WorflowId=<your-workflow-id>"

More examples:

tctl workflow list \
--query "WorkflowType='main.SampleParentWorkflow' AND ExecutionStatus='Running'"
tctl workflow list \
--query '(CustomKeywordField = "keyword1" and CustomIntField >= 5) or CustomKeywordField = "keyword2"' \
tctl workflow list \
--query 'CustomKeywordField in ("keyword2", "keyword1") and CustomIntField >= 5 and CloseTime between "2018-06-07T16:16:36-08:00" and "2019-06-07T16:46:34-08:00" order by CustomDatetimeField desc' \
tctl workflow list \
--query 'WorkflowType = "main.Workflow" and (WorkflowId = "1645a588-4772-4dab-b276-5f9db108b3a8" or RunId = "be66519b-5f09-40cd-b2e8-20e4106244dc")'
tctl workflow list \
--query 'WorkflowType = "main.Workflow" StartTime > "2019-06-07T16:46:34-08:00" and ExecutionStatus = "Running"'


List more than one page. (By default, the tctl workflow list command lists one page of results.)

Alias: -m


tctl workflow list --more


Specify the maximum number of Workflow Executions to list on a page. (By default, the tctl workflow list command lists 10 Workflow Executions per page.)

Alias: --ps


tctl workflow list --pagesize <value>