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tctl workflow scan

The tctl workflow scan command lists Workflow Executions. It is faster than the tctl workflow listall command, but the results are not sorted.

By default, this command lists a maximum of 2000 Workflow Executions. To set the size of a page, use the --pagesize option.

See also tctl workflow list, tctl workflow listall, and tctl workflow listarchived.

tctl workflow scan [<modifiers>]

The following modifiers control the behavior of the command.


Print the raw timestamp.

Alias: --prt


tctl workflow scan --print_raw_time


Print the timestamp.

Alias: --pdt


tctl workflow scan --print_datetime


Print a memo.

Alias: --pme


tctl workflow scan --print_memo


Print the Search Attributes.

Alias: --psa


tctl workflow scan --print_search_attr


Print the full message without table formatting.

Alias: --pf


tctl workflow scan --print_full


Print the raw JSON objects.

Alias: --pjson


tctl workflow scan --print_json


Specify the maximum number of Workflow Execution to list on a page. (By default, the tctl workflow scan command lists 2000 Workflow Executions per page.)

Alias: --ps


tctl workflow scan --pagesize <value>


Specify an SQL-like query of Search Attributes.

Alias: -q


tctl workflow scan --query <value>